When funds are obtained we will embark on the passport design in line with specifications of the International Civil Aviation Organisation ICAO for production. 一俟获得拨款,我们便会根据国际民用航空组织订立的制作规格,展开护照的设计工作。
The Architecture Vision must be in line with the Business Strategy of the organisation. 架构愿景(ArchitectureVision)必须要与组织的业务战略平行。
Brazil has already taken numerous trade-related actions in line with World Trade Organisation rules against Chinese goods, such as increasing tariffs on footwear and launching anti-dumping actions. 巴西已针对中国商品采取了许多符合世贸组织(wto)规定的贸易相关行动,如提高鞋类产品关税和发起反倾销行动。
As you get closer to the end of your course, talk with your line manager, talent manager or senior sponsor about the role that you would like to play in your organisation, and spend time identifying or creating that opportunity, says Piercy. 皮尔西说:在课程即将结束时,去找你的部门经理、人力资源经理或资深担保人,谈谈你想在公司内扮演何种角色,花些时间找出、或创造出相应的机会。
In August the OECD announced that the Marshall Islands had become the second country in a matter of weeks, after Liberia, to fall into line with the organisation's clean-up. 经合组织今年8月份宣布,马绍尔群岛已在数周内成为继利比里亚之后,第二个摆脱该组织黑名单的国家。